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Company Credit Report

A SwiftCheck Company Credit Report is designed to give you insights into the riskiness of a company, which can help you make decisions about whether to do business with them or not. This report combines ASIC records with information from our commercial credit bureau and is generated and delivered to you instantly.

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The Report is suited for low-risk business decisions.


What does this report include?

  • Credit Score – a helpful, easy-to-read indicator representing the creditworthiness of a business.
  • ASIC registered company information – including ABN/ACN, shareholders, registered address, date of incorporation.
  • Company credit information - defaults, court judgements and external administration (if applicable).

What are the key benefits?

A Company & Director Credit Report can help you to:

  • Validate a business is registered and solvent, so you know who you’re doing business with.
  • Understand the level of risk the business poses so that you can manage your exposure to bad debt
  • Make fast, well-informed decisions. Reports are delivered instantly.
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