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Company & Director + PPSR Report

The SwiftCheck Company & Director + PPSR Credit Report is our most comprehensive credit report. As well as including both company and director information, it also tells you if anyone has a security interest in that business. Security interest information is drawn from the Personal Property Securities Register (PPSR).

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The Report is suited for medium- to high-risk business decisions.

What does this report include?

  • Credit Score – a helpful, easy-to-read indicator representing the creditworthiness of a business and its directors.
  • Credit adverse and enquiries – a summary of credit enquiries and adverse events to help you understand the contributing factors to the credit score.
  • Directors’ other businesses – find out if any of the directors’ other businesses have incidences of adverse credit.
  • PPS Registrations – claims against goods or assets of a company that could affect your ability to get paid in the event of your customer becoming insolvent.
  • Invoice payment history – determine if a business historically pays its invoices on time, or late.
  • External administration – find out whether a company is insolvent or currently in administration.
  • ASIC registered company information – includes ABN/ACN, shareholders, registered address, date of incorporation.
  • Business details – Learn about the entity status and state of the business, and when it started.

What are the key benefits?

A Company & Director Credit Report can help you to:

  • Validate a business is registered and solvent, so you know who you’re doing business with.
  • Understand the level of risk the business poses so that you can manage your exposure to bad debt
  • By including director data in the risk assessment, you get more valuable insight into the people behind the business that can help you to make well informed decisions.
  • Understand how fast a business pays their bills with invoice payment history information, so you can better manage your cash flow.
  • PPS Registration information helps you to better understand where you stand as a creditor in the event of a default or external administration.
  • A quick and simple report, available in a matter of minutes, tthis report allows you to easily gauge credit risk and make informed decisions based on current, registered business information.
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