Features & Benefits
Improve the customer experience while saving time and money
Visualisation can speed up new customer applications by helping you make decisions faster, like determining if a customer should be extended credit or if they pose an anti-money laundering risk.
Accessed through the powerful online portal IQ Connect, the advanced Visualisation will quickly and easily allow you to:
Find and calculate beneficial ownership
In one click visualise the relationships leading to beneficial ownership and calculate total ownership as a percentage for all share classes and shareholdings.
Understand a corporate structure
Search on a company and in seconds visualise its structure in a family tree diagram. Check for updates at any time to see if anything’s changed and download your search results into one report.
Investigate PPSR priority
Search and quickly understand security interests to grasp who the true financiers are. Use the AllPAAP Timeline feature to assess priority, and the advanced filtering to help narrow down your assessment.