Features & Benefits
Take the hard work out of identifying the Beneficial Owner of a non-individual customer. Use our IQ Connect online portal to quickly and easily generate a Company Beneficial Ownership report.
Quick and easy
Verify the Beneficial Ownership of your customers in minutes. A beneficial owner is an individual/s who ultimately owns or controls an entity such as a company, trust or partnership. This individual can be hard to find with your own desktop research because there might be several links in the chain of owners, each requiring a new search. With an Equifax Company Beneficial Ownership report, you can see this information in just a few clicks.
The best information available
A comprehensive search of ASIC records to identify the beneficial owners of your non-individual customers. PEP and Sanctions check screening included. Any adverse findings on the Equifax commercial bureau are also flagged. The report provides up-to-date information on directors, shareholdings, officeholder roles and licenses.
Reports that are easy to understand
See Beneficial Ownership represented as a family tree diagram. The diagram presents an entire corporate entity visually, allowing you to see at a glance how the business is owned and controlled. Visualise the relationships leading to Beneficial Ownership and easily calculate total ownership as a percentage for all share classes and shareholdings.
Customisable to your needs
Credit officers and compliance teams find this report useful for its ability to drill down quickly into specific customer financials. Perhaps you want to calculate percentage ownerships or obtain information on shareholdings. Customise the report output using the advanced filter function.
Meet your AML/CTF requirements
All reporting entities must identify the beneficial owners of their customers and assess the money laundering/terrorism financing risk they pose.
The Equifax Company Beneficial Ownership report makes it easy to meet your Anti Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing (AML/CTF) requirements when doing business with non-individual customers. These obligations include keeping records of how you identified each beneficial owner and verified their identity. Know your customers to help protect against criminal exploitation.
Accessible via a single online platform
Equifax’s comprehensive online platform, IQ Connect, unlocks many tools to provide better insights and knowledge on your customers. Access the Company Beneficial Ownership report from organisation search or visualisation in IQ Connect. Enter your customer’s ABN or ACN to start. A PDF report is automatically generated and available for download from your dashboard.