By registering your interest on the PPSR before lending or supplying, you can best enforce your right as a secured creditor in the case of debtor insolvency.
However, PPSR technical terms are relatively new and rules around registration are complex.
Our PPSR registration solution helps you create registrations five times faster and reduces the risk of error.
Register easily, quickly and accurately
New users of our premium PPS registration service are set up with Contract Types.
Contract Types trigger one or more templated registrations to minimise re-keying of information and ensure compliance with your PPSR policy, whether it be ticking the PMSI box, describing the collateral uniformly, or creating two registrations each time an account is opened.
This templating also allows users to create registrations quickly so that you can more easily meet time limits set out in legislation and reduce overheads.
Registrations can be pended for review by a colleague, to confirm registration details are correct before being submitted to the register.
Registrations can also be created in bulk to create hundreds or thousands of registrations in one transaction.
Simple to amend, discharge and renew
Our premium registration database captures your portfolio of registrations making it far easier to pinpoint registrations to amend or discharge.
Registrations due to expire in the next month are grouped and flagged, so that you can keep on top of renewals and avoid losing priority.
Lift the burden of administering your PPSR portfolio
Excel spreadsheets are a risky and cumbersome way to keep track of your PPSR data. Secured Party Group, registration number and token details are easily misplaced, particularly when there is staff turnover. The Equifax PPS registration solution:
- Stores these details so that responding to an insolvency practitioner takes less time
- Helps you easily meet internal reporting requirements by extracting reports from the database
- Allows administrator users to control staff access to the solution, so that only appropriately authorised and trained team members conduct required transactions.
Features & Benefits
- Create registrations five times faster
Contract Types allow you to create registrations five times faster and reduce the risk of error.
- Maintain protection of your security interests
Easily amend, discharge and monitor upcoming expiry of registrations to maintain protection of your security interests.
- Lift the burden of PPSR maintenance
Our premium registration database minimises the burden of maintaining PPS registrations by allowing you to generate reports and automatically storing PPSR access details.