These registrations errors, many of which were avoidable, meant the company suffered significant financial losses whenever a customer went bust.

EDX from Equifax conducted an Assurance Review, which ran a fine-tooth comb over the company’s existing PPS registrations. Our report included recommendations for policy and procedural improvements to protect their security issues.

The client took our analysis on board and attempted to fix the problems by themselves, one registration at a time. They continued to do the PPS registrations themselves, and a couple of years later called us back in to repeat the Assurance Review. The error rate had improved, but there were still around 1,700 potentially invalid registrations.

We suggested that the company review the issues identified in the analysis and bulk remediate – excluding the low value, low-risk accounts to save on cost. We also recommended our automated platform ESIS, to ensure new registrations were loaded correctly.

As part of the review, we identified opportunities to cut costs relating to the duration of registrations and number of listings for each customer.

What was the outcome?

The company moved on to ESIS right away and couldn’t be happier. They are now processing the remediation files as they resolve the issues and matching them to internal records.

Our equipment finance client realised the cost of a rejected claim by an insolvency practitioner far exceeds the cost of getting their PPS registrations right in the first place.

For purpose-fit guidance and exceptional support in validating, updating and renewing PPS registrations, contact our PPSR specialists at EDX by Equifax. With 40 years of combined experience in insolvency and credit management, they make it their mission to help businesses like yours use the PPSR to insulate against risk, including negotiating with insolvency practitioners to protect your rights as a creditor.

Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is general in nature and does not take into account your personal objectives, financial situation or needs. Therefore, you should consider whether the information is appropriate to your circumstance before acting on it, and where appropriate, seek professional advice from a finance professional such as an adviser.

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