When project management firm Creative Vision was recognised with an iCIRT gold star-rating outcome, they were excited at the opportunity to differentiate themselves as a trustworthy consultancy dedicated to delivering quality built assets. Developed by Equifax in collaboration with the government, industry and market, iCIRT, an independent construction industry rating tool, provides an impartial perspective on the risk and quality of building professionals and their projects. 

Since earning its iCIRT-rating in November 2022, Creative Vision has experienced a 20-fold surge in enquiry volume, which has brought several key benefits:

  • Heightened brand awareness
  • Expanded market presence
  • Esteem and acknowledgement from peers and stakeholders
  • Strengthened industry partnerships. 


As the Founder and Director of Creative Vision, David Kamel faced the challenge of elevating his company’s reputation as a trustworthy end-to-end project management firm. The goal was to solidify Creative Vision as a linchpin between stakeholders dedicated to implementing best practices for quality, cost-saving, safety and sustainability. 

A proponent of industry reforms aimed at restoring confidence and trust in building and construction, David aspired for his business to be synonymous with quality, compliance and service excellence. “We needed a platform of recognition to identify and certify Creative Vision’s capability and willingness to deliver reliable and trustworthy built assets to the industry and wider public”, David emphasises.


To showcase their commitment to best practices, David and his team opted for an iCIRT assessment. “We wanted to demonstrate our commitment to excellence in assisting builders and constructors to align their work with the DBP Act 2020 /RAB Act and the initiatives driven by the NSW Building Commissioner”, explains David.

The iCIRT assessment process, leveraging thousands of data points, evaluates builders and their projects across six criteria: Capability, Conduct, Character, Capacity, Capital and Counterparties. The assessment results in a star-rating based on a sliding scale of evidence of low-risk, high-trust characteristics.

David describes the assessment process as manageable and insightful. “We were asked to provide documentary evidence of the systems, processes and protocols behind our business operations”, he says. “It was not a difficult task because what we were doing already with our processes, governance, and systems was very mature.” Participation in the assessment led to the identification of new areas for improvement, aligning with Creative Vision’s ethos of continual improvement. 

“While our commitment to excellence was evident in our work, the iCIRT-rating helped amplify our reputation.”
David Kamel, Creative Vision Founder and Director. 


Creative Vision’s iCIRT gold-star rating, achieved in November 2022 and after undergoing renewal, has now acheived a 4 star- Gold Rating.

Increased recognition: The iCIRT-rating became a badge of honour, boosting Creative Vision’s visibility as a trusted partner. “While our commitment to excellence was evident in our work, the iCIRT-rating helped amplify our reputation”, explains David. This increased brand awareness facilitated smoother interactions with councils during the pre-planning and regulatory stages, solidifying Creative Vision’s role as an essential contributor to project success.

Client acquisition: Trust in the iCIRT-rating translated into a 20x increase in sales enquiries. Builders and developers actively sought Creative Vision’s expertise, recognising the rating as a symbol of quality and reliability. “In attracting the attention of builders, developers and landowners who want to deliver a project the right way, new doors have opened up”, says David.

Improved confidence and trust: Clients now have confidence that their projects are led by a trustworthy firm, enabling Creative Vision to drive better outcomes. A notable example is the successful transformation of a non-compliant residential development site, Monterey Apartments, into a viable project, showcasing their ability to navigate complex challenges. “We worked with the council, project team, suppliers and the land owner on turning this around with a new building proposal based on best design approach”, says David.

Advocacy and knowledge sharing: Creative Vision has become a strong advocate for positive industry changes and the benefits of iCIRT-ratings. “We have a stronger voice in raising awareness and sharing knowledge of what it means to work collectively to restore confidence and trust in the building and construction industry”, says David. 

Being listed on the iCIRT Register demonstrates that you’re a trustworthy building professional delivering quality outcomes, as shown by a rigorous and independent assessment. Contact iCIRT about getting your business rated.

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