The Anti-Money Laundering (AML), Counter-Terrorism Financing Rules (CTF) and Global Official List (Sanctions) checks assist in identifying the risks associated with individuals such as specific or general involvement with money laundering, terrorism financing, politically exposed persons (PEPs), or terrorists and wanted criminals.

AML/CTF checks
Check sanctions and watch lists across the globe to identify high-risk individuals and help you meet your Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Counter-Terrorism Financing (CTF) obligations.
fit2work’s complete AML/CTF solution uses a range of comprehensive databases to help identify individuals that may appear on sanctions and politically exposed persons lists. AML/CTF checks help reduce exposure to financial crime and identity theft, allowing organisations to take fast action to protect their business from such risks.
Our intuitive online platform gives you the convenience of a single centralised place to obtain AML/CTF information. Use our automated workflows to help you stay on top of your requirements. It’s all part of the end-to-end support we offer across the customer and employment lifecycle.
let's talkHow to get started
Engage fit2work for a reliable screening solution. Assess whether AML/CTF checks are appropriate for your background screening needs. Add AML and CTF checks to your onboarding and due diligence program to help reduce fraud and help meet your regulatory obligations.
let's talkFAQ's
Its important for your organisation to assess whether AML/CTF checks are relevant to your background screening needs. AML/CTF and Sanctions List checks may be required under AML/CTF legislation in Australia or New Zealand for organisations in the financial sector, gambling sector and bullion dealers – who are known as reporting entities. If you’re unsure, we’d suggest you refer to your internal policies and processes or seek independent legal advice.
Yes, the fit2work platform offers a single centralised place to order, track and manage more than 70 different background checks. It helps businesses mitigate and manage risk in a changing human resource environment by providing background screening services.
With seamless integration into your internal onboarding and due diligence programs, the fit2work platform offers a range of customisable tools to suit your business needs. It’s a fast and easy-to-use service that screens prospective or current employees to help check that their credentials and background are up to date and employees are fit to work – all from a single dashboard.

Interested in a packaged solution?
If running individual checks is not enough for your business we offer an integrated solution. Get in touch with us to discuss these solutions or visit our Workforce Mangement Solution website.
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