Contact us

Got questions about our products and services or how we might be able to assist you? Simply call us on 13 8332 (option 2) or complete the form below and one of our consultants will respond to you within 2-5 working days.

If you would like to update or make a correction to the information on your credit file, firstly contact the credit provider it relates to, otherwise visit our Corrections Portal.

Date of Birth *
E.g., 28/01/2025

Frequently Asked Questions

Once you have requested a copy of your free Equifax credit report or a Your Credit and Identity subscription you will receive your credit report within one business day, provided we are able to verify your identity.

We are sorry you want to leave us! If you would like to cancel your subscription you can do so in one of two ways:


Please call us on 13 8332 (select option 2).


Go to Complete the personal Contact us form, selecting 'Cancel my personal Equifax subscription plan' in the 'I would like to...' menu. Your subscription will be cancelled within one business day and confirmation sent to you by email.

If you shop online or share your information on social media it is a good idea to take steps to help protect your personal information. We’ve got a great checklist, called ‘PROTECT' that you can follow to help protect yourself and your family from identity theft.


  • Reduce the risk of postal fraud by installing a secure mailbox.
  • Arrange for your mail to be held at the post office whenever you go away. If you are moving house, arrange for your mail to be forwarded and let companies such as banks, credit card and utility companies know your new address.
  • After you've read important documents and no longer need them, shred them before throwing them out.


  • Check your bank accounts each month and investigate any suspicious activity, such as small payments to unknown companies or people.


  • Don’t reveal passwords and personal identification information online, such as your birth date, full name, mother's maiden name or your phone number.
  • If you use social media sites like Facebook, make sure your privacy and security settings are updated so only ‘friends’ can access your page.


  • Regularly check your credit file and register for Equifax’s Credit Alert service, which notifies you when certain changes are made to your credit file.
  • Consider an Equifax ID Basic or Premium subscription which includes our cyber monitoring feature, Identity Watch. If your personal information is found to be compromised online you will be alerted.


  • Shred paperwork containing personal information or account details, including bank and credit card statements, phone and energy bills.


  • Always use secure sites when paying for purchases or transferring money online.
  • Install security software and keep it updated to protect your computer from hackers, scammers and viruses.
  • Never open any attachments from unreliable sources, or unusual messages or files from people you don’t know.


Immediately inform your credit providers if you notice any suspicious activity in your financial accounts.

Via email. We will never put your personal details in the email – it will just be an alert asking you to quickly log in and see what is going on. And then we can work together on ways to stop your identity being compromised any further.

Beyond our welcome email – you will only receive a cyber monitoring alert if your data is being compromised (read: found being traded illegally in online forums). We don’t know when crooks will be acting. That’s why we watch everything all the time.

With Identity Watch, available in an Equifax ID Basic or Premium annual subscription, your details are monitored 24/7. That means now. And now. And now … get the picture? If any information is found to be compromised we will send an alert straight away.