PPSR Services


PPSR HealthCheck

Minimise your company's credit risk with a PPSR HealthCheck which helps ensure your PPSR registrations are fully enforceable.

Why Choose a HealthCheck?


  • Peace of Mind: Confidently manage your business knowing your PPSR registrations are in order.
  • Risk Mitigation: Proactively address issues before they impact your financial security.
  • Strategic Support: Tailored guidance to enhance the enforceability of your registrations and safeguard your assets.

Take action today to protect your business's future. Secure your peace of mind with an Equifax PPSR HealthCheck.

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PPSR Assurance Review

Facing losses from unenforceable PPSR registrations or worry that your business might? Our PPSR Assurance review is designed to turn your concerns into confidence.

What We Offer:

  • Expert Analysis: Our PPSR specialists conduct a thorough review of your entire PPSR process—from initial registration to ongoing management.
  • Comprehensive Portfolio Assessment: We examine every aspect of your registration portfolio to identify any vulnerabilities or enforcement issues.
  • Tailored Solutions: You'll receive actionable advice to resolve current issues and strategies to prevent future risks, all based on the latest best practices and our extensive experience.

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PPSR Priority Review 

Manage a substantial ALPAP PPSR portfolio? Navigate its complexities with confidence with our specialised PPSR Priority Review.

Challenges of ALPAP Portfolios:

  • Complexity: ALPAP registrations are notably intricate, even within the already complex landscape of PPSR.
  • Financial Significance: These registrations often cover substantial financial assets, making their enforceability crucial.

What We Offer:

  • Expert Guidance: Benefit from our in-depth reviews and receive strategic advice tailored to ensure your registrations maintain priority status amidst changing priorities.
  • Best Practices: Align with industry best practices for risk management, ensuring your business's interests are protected and prioritized.
  • Financial Flexibility: Improving your ALPAP ranking can unlock significant capital, providing your organization with more financial agility.

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Find out more about our PPSR products

PPSR Search

Our streamlined search tools offer swift and precise results, simplifying your due diligence process when searching PPSR.

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Using the PPSR

Looking for Registrations, Renewals, Amendments & Discharges? Either have everything for good credit & risk management in one place, or choose a specialist PPSR platform for significant additional business benefits.

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Managing your PPSR portfolio

See and manage all your businesses PPSR portfolio(s) in one place.

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